Prof. Huang, Hao-Jen

Distinguished Professor & Chairman
Prof. Huang, Hao-Jen 
TEL:+886-6-275-7575 ext.58126    研究室: 58104 or 58114#58
Laboratory:Plant molecular biology laboratory
Research interests:

  • Plant Developmental Genetics
  • Roles of the Cell division cycle regulation protein in cell differentiation
  • Roles of Cell news transmission protein in biological development
  • Molecular biology of plants
  • Anti- adverse circumstance gene clone of plants


Ph.D. Degree Oxford University in England,1998


Period Service agencies
1999 Post Doctor, the Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica
1999-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, NCKU,ROC
2002-2004 Associate Professor, Department of Biology, NCKU,ROC
2004-2005 Associate Professor, Department of Life Sciences, NCKU,ROC
2005-present Professor, Department of Life Sciences, NCKU,ROC

Major Awards and Honors

  1. Distinguished Teaching Professor, National Cheng Kung University, 2009–
  2. The Biological Society of China Chairman & Biological Sciences Research Excellence Awards, 2013


Periodical articles(Link)

Domestic Conference

  1. Huang, L.Y., Lin, C.w., Lee, R.H., Chiang, C.Y., Wang, Y.C., Chang, C.H., and Huang, H.J. Integrating Early Transcriptomic Responses to Rhizotoxins in Rice (Oryza sativa. L.) Reveals Key Regulators and a Potential Early Biomarker of Cadmium Toxicity. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01432, 2017.
  2. Lin, C.W., Huang, L.Y., Huang, C.L., Wang, Y.C., Lai, P.H., Wang, H.V., Chang, W.C., Huang, H.J. Common Stress Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Functional and Genomic Architecture Differences Between Early and Delayed Response Genes. Plant and Cell Physiology. 58(3): 546–559, 2017.
  3. Kao T.W., Wu C.P., Lin W.P., Pu S.Y., Huang D.D., and Huang Hao-Jen.Molecular characterization of MAPK kinase and MAP kinase genes from orchid in response to pathogen infection. 2003 conference of plant growth and development. November 22-23, 2003.
  4. Hsiao L.J., Pu S.Y., Huang D.D., Huang L.C., and Huang Hao-Jen (2003). Rejuvenation of Sequoia sempervirens in vitro: phase-related differences in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. 2003 conference of plant growth and development. November 22-23, 2003.
  5. Yeh C.M., Huang D.D., and Huang Hao-Jen. Cadium and Copper Induce MBP Kinase Activities through Distinct Ser/Thr Protein Kinase Pathways in Rice Roots. 2003 conference of plant growth and development. November 22-23, 2003.
  6. Pu S.Y., Huang D.D., and Huang Hao-Jen. Molecular cloning and characterization of CDK8 homologue, a novel Cyclin C binding protein. 2003 conference of plant growth and development. November 22-23, 2003.
  7. Tasy W.S., Yeh C.M., Lin W.P., Chou W.C., Pu S.Y., Huang D.D., and Huang Hao-Jen.Distinct protein kinase pathways are involved in osmotic stress signaling. 2003 conference of plant growth and development. November 22-23, 2003.
  8. Kao T.W., Tasy W.S., Liu W.P., Pu S.Y., Cheu W.H., Huang D.D., and Huang Hao-JenIdentification of Defense-Related Orcid Genes: Characterization of three cDNAs that encode protein kinase homologues in Phalaenopsis amabilis. November 22-23, 2003.
  9. Y. M. Lin, D. D. Huang, H. J. Huang 2002. Protein tyrosine phosphorylation during root organogenesis in vitro. 10th symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology. 2002. Taiwan.
  10. S. F. Fu, S.Y. Pu, D. D. Huang, H. J. Huang. 2001. Role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in rice (Oryza Sativa) Development and in response to environmental stress. 9th symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology. 2001. Taiwan.
  11. Y. M. Lin, S. Y. Pu, S. F. Fu, D.D Huang, H. J. Huang,2001. Distinct pattern of pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation during root organogenesis. 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. 2001. Taiwan.
  12. H. H. Lin, H. J. Huang, G. Weeks, C. Pears. 2001. Identification and analysis of a gene that is homologous to mammalian Cdk8 in Dictyostelium. USA
  13. W. C. Hung, Y. M. Lin, D. D. Huang, H. J. Huang 2001. Cadmium-induced changes in protein tyrosine phosphorylation and development of Arabidopsis. 23rdAnnual meeting of the Botanical Society of the Republic of China. 2001. Taiwan.
  14. W. C. Chou, D. D. Huang, H. J. Huang 2001. Differential expression of genes encoding the rice translation initiation factor, eIF5A, during sucrose deprivation-induced cell death. International symposium on genetic diversity of plants. 2001. Taiwan.
  15. S. F. Fu, W. P. Lin, S. L. Ho, W. C. Chou, D. D. Huang, S. M. Yu, T. Y. Chiang, H. J. Huang 2001. Differential induction of MAP kinase genes from rice in response to mannose. International symposium on genetic diversity of plants. 2001. Taiwan.
  16. Lin, Sophia, Hao-Jen Huang, and Catherine Pears. 1999. Cell cycle dependent regulation of the expression of early developmental genes. InternationalDictyostelium Conference, U.S.A.
  17. Y. H. Tai, S. F. Fu, D. D. Huang, T. T. Kuo, H. J. Huang. 2000. MAP kinase and stress signal transduction in plants. 15th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. 25-26 March, 2000. Taiwan. Abstract # 113
  18. S. F. Fu, Y. H. Tai, D. D. Huang, H. J. Huang. 2000. Molecular cloning and functional analysis of plant stress signaling gene. 2000 Annual Meeting of The Plant Molecular Biology. 28-30 Auguest, 2000. Taiwan. Abstract # 20
  19. S.Y. Pu, S. F. Fu, H. J. Hung, D. D. Huang, L. C. Huang. 2000. Rejuvenation ofSequoia sempervirens in vitro:age-related changes in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of the Republic of China. 2-3 December 2000. Taiwan. Abstract # C-1
  20. Y. H. Tai, S. F. Fu, D. D. Huang, T. T. Kuo, H. J. Huang. 1999. MAP kinase and stress signal transduction in plants. 22th Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of the Republic of China. 4-5 December, 1999. Taiwan. Abstract # 17
  21. S. F. Fu, Y. H. Tai, D. D. Huang, T. T. Kuo, H. J. Huang. 1999. OsMPKs: a gene family of plant MAP kinase in rice. 22th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of the Republic of China. 4-5 December, 1999. Taiwan. Abstract # 18


  1. 陳盈汝、蔡宗穆、陳少燕、黃浩仁*. 2006. 植物聖戰密碼. 科學發展. 2006年407期