Prof. Takefumi Nakazawa

Associate Professor
Prof. Takefumi Nakazawa
TEL:+886-6-275-7575 ext.58136    研究室:58104 or 58114轉41
Web:Theoretical Ecology Laboratory
Research interests:
Theoretical Ecology,Ethnic and bunching ecology, Biodiversity and long-term ecological


  1. National Taiwan University(Institute of Oceanography、Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology、Department of Environment and Forest Resources)
  2. Academia Sinica Research Center for Environmental Changes
  3. Kyoto University (Center for Ecological Research
  4. Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies)
  5. Hiroshima University (Institute for Sustainable Sciences and Development)
  6. The University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences)
  7. Ryukoku University (College of Science and Technology)
  8. Kobe University (College of Human Development)
  9. Osaka Prefectural University (Graduate School of Scienc)
  10. Nagasaki University (College of Education)
  11. Doshista University (College of Culture and Information Scienc)
  12. Japan National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
  13. University of Santo Tomas (College of Science); Peco IPM Pilot Co. Ltd


Ph.D. Degree Kyoto University Faculty of Science


2013 Assistant Professor Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
2012 Overseas Fellow JSPS、National Taiwan University Institute of Oceanography
2009 Fellow PD JSPS、Ecology Research Center、Kyoto University  
2008 Postdoctoral National Taiwan University Institute of Oceanography
2005 Fellow DC1 JSPS、Kyoto University Faculty of Science

Major Awards and Honors

2013 Ethnic Ecological Society awards reward
2011 Japan Mathematical Biology Research Scholarship Reed reward


Periodical articles (Link)

Conference paper

  1. 仲澤剛史、山中武彦、浦野智.Plant disease dynamics co-mediated by herbivory and herbivore-borne phytopathogens.2013年動物行為暨生態學研討會 (2013年1月, 花蓮, 論文宣讀)

  2. 仲澤剛史、大庭伸也、潮雅之.Predator-prey body size relationships when predators can consume prey larger than themselves. 2014年動物行為暨生態學研討會 (2014年1月, 台中, 論文宣讀)

  3. Po-Ju Ke, Takefumi Nakazawa. Effects of herbivory-pollination coupling mediated by ontogenetic growth of insects on community dynamics. 2014年動物行為暨生態學研討會 (2014年1月, 台中, 壁報展示)

  4. Chun-Chia Chou, Takefumi Nakazawa. The evolution of body size driven by life history trade-offs and frequency-dependent mating success: a preliminary model. 2014年動物行為暨生態學研討會 (2014年1月, 台中, 壁報展示, 族群與群聚生態學佳作)

  5. 黃祺桂、仲澤剛史.以方向性播遷分析複合式群聚與食物網的動態變化及各營養層級的物種分佈. 2014年動物行為暨生態學研討會 (2014年1月, 台中, 壁報展示)