王建平 教授

電話:+886-6-275-7575 ext. 65543
email: wangcp@mail.ncku.edu.tw
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博士 學研究所,私立高雄醫學院
碩士 動物研究所,國立臺灣大學
學士 生物系,國立師範大學


時間 服務機關 職位
1999 國立成功大學 生命科學系 教授
1992 國立成功大學 生命科學系 副教授
1985 國立成功大學 生命科學系 講師
1984 國立成功大學 生命科學系 助教
1978 縣立五峰國中 教師


期刊論文 (*Corresponding author)

  1. Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang and W.-R. Chang.(2013) Length-weight relationships of fishes from Beimen lagoon, Taiwan. Journal of application Ichthyology.
  2. Tsung-Chou Chang, Sing- Ming Wong, and Jiang- Ping Wang. (2012) Cetacean strandings, rehabilitation and pathology in southern Taiwan from 1990 to 2010. 40th Annual Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals 9th to 12th of March.
  3. Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, and Jiang-Ping Wang. 2012) Length-weight relationships for fishes Chi-gu of Taiwan. Journal of application Ichthyology. 28, 150–151.
  4. Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, and Jiang-Ping Wang (2012) Length-weight Relationship of Largescale mullet, Liza macrolepis (Smith, 1846), off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11(8): 1948-1952.
  5. Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng and Jiang-Ping Wang (2012) Correlation between the length and weight of Arius maculatus off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 55, (5), 705-708.
  6. Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang, and Hung-Cheng Chen (2011) Estimates of Age, Growth, and Mortality of Spotted Catfish, Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) off the Coast of Yunlin, Southwestern Taiwan. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10(66), 15416-15421.
  7. Tsung-Chou Chang, Sing-Ming Wong, Jiang-Ping Wang (2011) Cetacean Stranding, Rehabilitation and Conservation in Southern Taiwan. International cetacean conservation and Medicine Symposium April 16-17, Tainan
  8. .Jiang-Ping Wang (2011) Cetacean stranding and rehabilitation in Southern Taiwan. International cetacean conservation and Medicine Symposium April 16-17, 2011 Tainan
  9. Wu-Shan Chu, Jiang-Ping Wang, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, and Pen-Hsun Chu. (2011) Length-weight relationships for fishes off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. African Journal of Biotechnology .10(19), 3945-3950.
  10. Shih Y. W, J. P. Wang, M. C. Tseng. (2009) Do Simultaneously Bridled dolphin, Stenella attenuate, come from the same Family?  Molecular Biology, Vol. 4, pp. 406-425.
  11. 王建平、賴雪端、翁義聰、 朱戊杉、蘇永銘、胡弘仁、郭爵錕、洪莞茹、 陳恩倫、陳麒麟、黃永豐、陳宏誠 (2010) 台灣西南沿海溼地環境變遷對生態系衝擊 。黑面琵鷺與沿海濕地保育國際研討會.
  12. 王建平、朱戊杉、陳坤能、陳明志、陳恩倫、翁義聰(2011) 黑面琵鷺的食性及其度冬區的漁業資源。黑面琵鷺與沿海濕地保育國際研討會
  13. 陳明志、陳坤能、朱戊杉、王建平、童淑珠、梁維、林千藝、翁義聰。2011。台灣七股濕地魚苗之探討。第二屆台灣濕地生態系研討會(2011/5/12-13)。台北市。
  14. C. K.-L. Yeung, C.-T. Yao, Y.-C. Hsu, J.-P. Wang & S.-H. Li 2006 Assessment of the historical population size of an endangered bird, the black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) by analysis of mitochondrial DNA diversity. Animal Conservation (SCI)
  15. Y.T. Ueng, J.J. Perng, J.P. Wang, J.H. Wang and J.C. Hou (2006) Diet of the black-faced spoonbill wintering at Chiku wetland in Southwestern Taiwan. Water Birds 29(2): 185-190. (SCI
  16. Y.T. Ueng, J.P. Wang, and J.C. Hou 2006 Predicting population trend of Black-faced Spoonbill by a stochastic model. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology volume 119 (SCI)
  17. Ueng, Y.T. and J.P. Wang (2005) A new species of land snail: Diplommatina hyangi (Gastropoda: Diplommatinidae) from Southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology 29(29):93-100.
  18. S.P. Hung, J.R.Hsu, C.P. Lo, H.J. Huang, J.P. Wang and S.T. Chen (2005) Genistein-induced neuronal differentiation is associated with activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and upregulation of p21 and N-cadherin J.Cell Biochem. 96(5):1061-1070 (SCI)
  19. J.J. Perng, Y.S. Lee and J.P. Wang (2005) Emergence patterns of the may Cloeon marginale (Ephemeroptera: Baetudae) in a tropical monsoon for wetland in Taiwan. Aquatic Insect 27(1):1-9. (SCI)
  20.  S.D. Lai, J.P. Wang (2004) Multivariate analysis of dominant attached diatoms and water quality in Szu-Tsao mangrove wetland of Taiwan. Diatom, 20, 133-143
  21. Chen ,S. T., J. I. Chuang , J. P. Wang , M. S. Tsai , H. Li and N. -S. Chang 2004 Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 in the developing murine nervous system. Neuroscience 124(4):831-839. (SCI)
  22. Perng, J.J. and Wang, J.P. 2004 Emergence patterns of the mayfly Cloeon marginale (Ephemeroptera: Baetudae) in a tropical monsoon forest wetland in Taiwan. Aquatic Insect 2004: (SCI)
  23. Chen ,S.T., J.I. Chuang, J.P. Wang, M.S. Tsai, H. Li and N.S. Chang 2004 Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 in the developing murine nervous system. Neuroscience 124(4):831-839. (SCI)
  24. Hsu, K.C, Wang, J.P, Chen, X.L. & Chiang, T. 2003 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Conservation Genetic. 2004(1):113-115.(SCI)
  25.  Lai, S. D. Wang, J.P. Yeh, J. T. and Tsay, H. W. 2003 Ecology of dominant phytoplankton diatoms Cyclotella from Chia-Nan stream (Taiwan). Diatom, 19, (SCI)
  26. Wang, J.P., Hung-Du Lin, Shong Huang, Chih-Hung Pan, Xiang-Lin Chen and Tzen-Yuh Chiang  Phylogeography of Varicorhinus barbatulus (Cyprin.
  27. Hsu KC, Wang JP, Chen XL, Chiang TY. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Conservation Genetics 2003; 5: 113-115 (SCI)
  28. 郭源、王建平、翁榮炫、陳榮作、翁義聰 2002 道路興建對生態環境之影響- 以西濱快速公路南部路段為例。台灣公路工程 第二十九卷第一期  20-41.
  29. 王建平、陳加和、翁義聰 2002外來種生物VS 放生-記述帆鰭胎生魚將魚的畸型胚及白子 大自然 p. 96
  30. 翁義聰, 鄭仲堯, 王建平 2001 軟體動物曩舌目(Sacoglossa)之新紀錄及布氏葉鰓螺Ercolania boodleae  (Baba,1938)之描述‧貝類學報25:33-35.
  31. 翁聰義, 王建平 2001 曩舌目(Sacoglossa)之新紀錄及長角海天牛Elysia chikensis Eliot, 1916之記述‧貝類學報25:39-44.
  32.  Wang, J.P., KSU. And T.Y. Chiang 2000 Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of Acrossocheilus paradoxus(Cyprinidae) in Taiwan. Molecular Ecology 9: (SCI)
  33.  Hsu, K.C., J.P. Wang, S.C. Lee and T.Y. Chiang 2000 The population genetics structure of Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) in Taiwan. Bull. Nation. Normal. Uni. (In press).
  34. Wang, J.P., S. T. Chen, C. H. Chien , C. J. Yao and L. S. Chou 1999 Protein gene product 9.5-Immunoreactive neurons in the retina of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and fraser dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei). Acta Anat. Nippon. 74 (4): (accepted: in press) ]
  35.  Chen, S.T., C.L. Shen, J.P. Wang CA and L.S. Chou 1999 A comparative study of neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in the retina of dolphin and several other mammalian species. Zool. Stud. 38(4): (accepted: in press) (SCI)
  36. Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, L.J. Garey and L.S. Jen 1999 Expression of beta-amyloid precursor protein and bcl-2 proto-oncogene proteins in rat retinas after intravitreal injection of aminoadipic acid. Neurochem. Int. 35(5):371-382 (SCI)
  37. Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, C.L. Shen and L.S. Jen 1999 NADPH-diaphorase activity in normally developing and intracraninally transplanted retinas. Neurochem. Res. 24 (8) 1053-1059. (SCI)
  38.  Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, C.H. Chien and C.L. Shen 1999 Differential expression of beta-amyloid precursor and Bcl-2 proteins in the developing dog retina. Neruosci Res. (SCI)
  39.  Wu, W.L., J.P. Wang, M.C. Tsang, T.Y. Chiang 1999 Cloning and genetic variability of an Hind III repetitive DNA in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae). Genome  (SCI)
  40. Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, C.H. Chien and C.L. Shen 1999 Differential expression of amyloid precursor and Bcl-2 proteins in the developing dog retina. Neruosci Res. (SCI)
  41.  Ueng, Y.T. and J.P. Wang CA 1999 Pseudogaleomma japonica (Galeommatidae), a familial and generic record new to Veneroida fauna of Taiwan. J. Taiwan Museum 52(1):
  42. 曾美珍,蔣鎮宇,王建平1999 台灣石賓的族群遺傳結構。特有生物研究1: 20-27.
  43. 許桂菁,蔣鎮宇,王建平, 麥愛堂1999 台灣石賓的親緣地理及保育。保育季刊 27:
  44. 彭仁君, 施希建, 王建平1999南仁山古湖濕地內四節蜉蝣Cloeon marginale Hagen (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) 之稚蟲分布與其密度消長。中華昆蟲 19(3):
  45. Wang, J.P., S.M. Chuang, C.L. Shen and S.T. Chen 1998 Expression of Src family in the mouse developing nervous system. Biomed. Res. 19: 315-325. (SCI)
  46. 王建平, 廖國英1998 湖泊中的浮游生物。科學月刊 29(3):195-202。
  47. 王建平1998 嘉南平原之水質及浮游生物。大自然。1998(3)


  1. Wang, Jiang-Ping, Lien Siang Chou, and Chiu-Ju Yao 2004 The sternum, pectoral and pelvic girdle of cetaceans and phylogenetic implications. 16th International Congress of the International Federation of Association of Anatomists, Japan (invite speaker)
  2. Don-Fei Kou, Min-Ching Huang, Sheng-Fa Hsu, Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang and Jug-Hsuan Weng. 2003. A Multivariate Study of Variation in Sexual Dimorphism of Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor Temminck et Schlegel, 1849)
  3.  Hsu, K.C, Wang, J.P, Chen, X.L. & Chiang, T. 2003 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Conservation Genetic.
  4. Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, M.H. Hong, L.S. Jen and J.I. Chuang 1999 Modulation of neuroprotective effects of bcl-2 by melatonin on MPP+-induced degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. International Society for Neurochemistry in Berlin.


  1. 翁義聰, 陳榮作,王建平 1999 四草地區鳥類相之研究。四草保護區生物多樣性研討會 。成功大學,台南。
  2. Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, M.H. Hong, L.S. Jen and J.I. Chuang 1999 Modulation of neuroprotective effects of bcl-2 by melatonin on MPP+-induced degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. International Society for Neurochemistry in Berlin.
  3. 曾美珍﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇 1999 台灣石賓衛星的演化。中國生物學會八十八年度年會。
  4. 許桂菁﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇1999 台灣石賓的親緣地理。中國生物學會八十八年度年會。
  5. 林淑娟、王建平、彭仁君 1999 古湖水蚤類之族群增長潛能分析。1999年動物行為暨生態研討會。
  6. 吳依珊、彭仁君、王建平 1999 南仁山古湖盤腸蚤屬 Chydrous sp. 水蚤生活史之探討。 1999年動物行為暨生態研討會。
  7. 王建平﹑黃能崇﹑彭仁君1998 南仁湖甲殼浮游動物族群動態之研究。中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協 會八十七年度聯和年會。
  8. 彭仁君﹑吳佩珊﹑王建平1998 南仁湖浮游動物Strandcsia vittata Sars (Podocopida: Cyprididae)在室溫 下之生活史與繁殖潛能。中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協會八十七年度聯和年會。
  9. 許桂菁﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇1998 台灣石賓(Acrossochelus paradoxus Gunther)粒線體DNA變異分析及族群遺傳 之研究。中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協會八十七年度聯和年會。
  10. 美珍﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇1998 台灣石賓(Acrossochelus paradoxus Gunther)之族群遺傳及地理分佈之研究。 中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協會八十七年度聯和年會。
  11. Wang, J.P. 1998 A checklist of plankton in Taiwan. Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute. pp.168.


  1. 王建平1998台南市安平誌動物篇 (1998 台南市政府)