李亞夫 教授

電話:+886-6-275-7575 ext. 58115    研究室:58104 or 58114轉54
email: yafulee@mail.ncku.edu.tw
     本研究室 (Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology Laboratory) 簡稱BEE Lab,但可不是飼養蜜蜂或從事蜂蜜相關產業!我們的研究興趣在廣義的演化生態學,著重於種間及物種內之個體差異,如行為、生活史、形態、生理、發育狀態、或親緣等,在演化機制及不同生態過程 (如競爭、捕食、寄生、或互利等) 下,與其所屬族群之動態關係和所屬群聚之組成與結構的相互影響。 取材之研究對象,多以陸域脊椎動物與昆蟲為主。 主要研究方向包括(1) 在行為、知覺、及演化生態方面,我們針對翼手目 (蝙蝠) 與鳥類之生態及行為與其形態功能上之關聯,探討蟲食及植食性脊椎動物在資源取得、使用模式、其與獵物及天敵間之互動;(2) 建立行為生態與群聚生態之介面,分析影響動物群聚組成、結構、與相對豐度之生態過程及其相對重要性,並探討跨階層種間交互作用 (例如食蟲性動物–昆蟲–植物、植食動物–植物) 對群聚組成及食物網結構與穩定性的影響;以及 (3) 從基礎研究出發,探討其與生物多樣性與保育生態學 (Conservation ecology) 研究之結合,包括都會環境、農業環境與農業資源、及生態復育 (Restoration ecology),及在環境變遷議題上之應用。

(1) 動物行為變異、探索行為、個體狀態、個性與行為徵候群、寄生蟲對行為與個性之影響、及其生態關聯。
(2) 翼手目之群聚結構;空間、棲地、資源利用模式與變異;知覺生態與環境;環境變遷及環境衝擊 (例如風力機發展)與其保育關聯。
(3) 食果性動物 (狐蝠、鳥類、獼猴) 之資源利用模式、與植物資源交互作用與影響、及其保育關聯。
(4) 共域性動物 (鳥類、蜥蜴、兩生類、蟬) 之多樣性、群聚組成、棲地與巢位選擇、資源利用模式、育幼行為、及與環境和干擾因子的生態關聯。
(5) 農業與復育生態。 
(6) 獼猴社會行為及雄性親子關係。

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Tennessee, USA;
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA;
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, and the University of the Ryukyus, Japan; Institute of Experimental Ecology, University of Ulm, Germany;
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama; Department of Biology,
Southern Denmark University, Denmark.
行政院農委會林業試驗所 (森林保護組、福山研究中心、恆春研究中心、六龜研究中心);



博士 美國田納西大學生態學暨演化生物學
碩士 美國田納西大學生態學
學士 國立交通大學運輸工程與管理學系


時間 服務機關
07/2015-09/2015 南丹麥大學生物學系訪問學者
06/2012-09/2012 日本琉球大學熱帶生物圈研究中心訪問學者
08/2010-迄今 國立成功大學生命科學系專任教授
06/2009-09/2009 德國烏爾姆大學實驗生態學研究所、美國史密松熱帶科學研究所訪問學者
08/2005-07/2010 國立成功大學生命科學系專任副教授
06/2005-09/2005 日本總合地球環境学研究所西表島研究中心訪問學者
08/2003-07/2005 國立成功大學生命科學系專任助理教授
08/2002-07/2003 國立宜蘭大學自然資源系專任助理教授
01/2001-08/2002 林業試驗所森林保護組-森林昆蟲與野生動物研究室博士後研究
01/2000-12/2008 國際蝙蝠保育組織(BCI)科學諮詢委員
01/2000-12/2000 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心-鳥類研究室博士後研究員


2023 國立成功大學111學年度教學創新與大學社會責任特優教師獎
2022 國立成功大學生物科學與科技學院110學年度教學創新與大學社會責任特優教師
2021 指導學生參與「科技部109年度大專學生研究計畫」獲研究創作獎
2021 國立成功大學109學年度輔導優良導師
2016 國立成功大學104學年度教學特優教師
2012 日本琉球大學熱帶生物圈研究中心外籍學者學術研究訪問獎助
2012 中國生物學會100年度傑出生物研究獎
2011 國立成功大學99學年度教學優良教師
2010 國立成功大學98學年度優良導師
2009 國科會第47屆科學與技術人員國外短期研究獎助
2009 國立成功大學97學年度教學優良教師
2007 國立成功大學95學年度教學優良教師
2005 日本總合地球環境学研究所外籍學者學術研究訪問獎助




  1. Kuo, Y.-J.1, Y.-F. Lee1*, H.-C. Hsu, Y.-J. Kuo, B.-Y. Chuang, S.-L. Chang, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-J. Huang, W.-C. Lee. 2024. Sexual differences in parental inputs and effects on brood success of sex-role-reversed pheasant-tailed jacanas. Integrative Organismal Biology (SCI)
  2. Lee, Y.-F.1*, Y.-M. Kuo1, B.-Y. Chuang, Y.-J. Huang, Y.-C. Su, W.-C. Lee. 2024. Brood success of sex-role-reversed Pheasant-tailed Jacanas: the effects of social polyandry, seasonality, and male mating order. Zoological Letters 10:9 (SCI) 10.1186/s40851-024-00231-2
  3. Kuo, Y.-J.1,Y.-F. Lee1*, Y.-M. Kuo1, and Y.-L. Tai. 2024. Sex and state-dependent effects on proactive behaviors of eastern bent-winged bats across contexts. Integrative Organismal Biology 6: 1-13 (SCI)
  4. Kuo, Y.-J.1, Y.F. Lee1*, Y.-M. Kuo1, and Y.-L. Tai. 2023. Context-specific variation and repeatability in behavioral traits of bent-wing bats. Zoological Letters 9:8 (SCI)
  5. Fresneau, N., Y.F. Lee, W.-C. Lee, A. Kosztolányi, T. Székély, A. Liker. 2022. Sex role reversal and high frequency of social polyandry in the pheasant-tailed jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus). Pp. 54-68, in (Á. Pogány, E. T. Krause, V. Bókony, O. Roth, eds) The Development and Fitness Consequences of Sex Roles. Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne.
  6. Ngo, B. V. and Y.F. Lee. 2022. Ecology of the Granular Spiny Frog Quasipaa verrucospinosa (Amphibia: Anura – Dicroglossidae) in Central Vietnam. Pp. 1-18, in Protected Area Management-Recent Advances. M. N. Suratman (ed).IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99656.  
  1. Tai, Y-L1, Y.F. Lee1*, Y.-M. Kuo, Y.-J. Kuo. 2022. Effects of host state and body condition on parasite infestation of bent-wing bats. Frontiers in Zoology 19:12 (SCI)
  2. Fresneau, N., Y.F. Lee, W.-C. Lee, A. Kosztolányi, T. Székély, A. Liker. 2021. Sex role reversal and high frequency of social polyandry in the pheasant-tailed jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 742588 (SCI)
  3. Lee, Y.-F.*, Yen-Min Kuo, W.-C. Chu, Y.-H. Lin, H.-Y. Chang, H.-Y. Chang, and -M. Chen. 2021. Perch time allocation and foraging efficiency of flycatching horseshoe bat: an optimal foraging? BMC in Zoology 6: 13 (SCI)
  4. Ngo, B. V., Y.F. Lee, C. D. Ngo, and N. T. Hoang. 2021. Hierarchical analysis of amphibian diversity in primary and secondary rain forests of central Vietnam. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 16: 47-62 (SCI)
  5. McCracken, G. F., Y.-F. Lee, E. H. Gillam, W. Frick, J. Krauel. 2021. Bats Flying at High Altitudes. Pp. 189-205, in (BK Lim et al. eds.) 50 Years of Bat Research: Foundations and New Frontiers. Springer.
  6. Huang, C.-K., Y.-F. Lee1,*, and Y.-M. Kuo. 2021. Neighborhood effects in mixed-species flocks affect foraging efficiency of Little and Intermediate Egrets. Zoology 144: 125874 (SCI)
  7. Lee, Y.-F.*, -M. Kuo, W.-C. Chu, Y.-H. Lin. 2020. Perch use by flycatching Rhinolophus formosae in relation to vegetation structure. Journal of Mammalogy 101:455-463 (SCI)
  8. Ngo, B. V., Y.-F. Lee, and C. D. Ngo. 2020. Tadpole survival and metamorphosis in the granular spiny frog, Quasipaa verrucospinosa (Dicroglossidae, Anura, Amphibia) in central Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 27: 63-69 (SCI)
  9. Ngo, B. V., Y.-F. Lee, and C. D. Ngo. 2020. Detection probability and site occupancy of the granular spiny frog (Quasipaa verrucospinosa) in the tropical rain forests of Bach Ma National Park, central Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 27: 26-32 (SCI)
  10. Huang, Y.-T., Y.-F. Lee1,*, Y.-M. Kuo, S.-Y. Chang, and C.-L. Wu. 2019. Fruiting phenology and nutrient content variation among sympatric figs and the ecological correlates. Botanical Studies 60: 27 (SCI)
  11. Lee, Y.-F.*, Y.-M. Kuo, H.-Y. Chang, -F. Tsai, S. Baba. 2017. Foraging dispersion of Ryukyu flying-foxes and relationships with fig abundance in East-Asian subtropical island forests. BMC Ecology 17: 35 (SCI)
  12. Lee, Y.-F.*, Kuo, Y.-M.1, and W.-C. Chu. 2016. Energy state affects exploratory behavior of tree sparrows in a group context under differential food-patch distributions. Frontiers in Zoology 13: 48 (SCI)
  13. Chang, H.-Y.1 and Y.-F. Lee1,*. 2016. Bird assemblages and breeding activity in tropical urban parks ― Effects of area, disturbance, isolation, and heterogeneity. Urban Ecosystems 19: 257-274 (SCI)
  14. Chen, W.-M.1, Y.-F. Lee1,*, C.-F. Tsai, C.-T. Yao, Y.-H. Chen, S.-H. Li, and Y.-M. Kuo. 2015. Dawn chorus variation in East-Asian tropical montane forest birds and its ecological and morphological correlates. Contribution to Zoology 84: 255-265 (SCI)
  15. Tsai, C.-F.1, Y.-F. Lee*, Y.-H. Chen, W.-M. Chen, Y.-M. Kuo. 2015. Species turnover in tropical montane forest avifauna links to climatic correlates. Global Ecology and Conservation 3: 541-552 (SCI)
  16. Ngo, B. V. 1, Y.-F. Lee1,*, and C. D. Ngo. 2014. Variation in dietary composition of granular spiny frogs (Quasipaa verrucospinosa) in central Vietnam. Herpetological Journal 24: 245-253 (SCI)
  17. Kuo, Y.-M.1, Y.-F. Lee1*, and W.-C. Chu. 2014. Group effects and background color-patterns affect the exploratory behavior of tree sparrows. Ethology 120: 1062-1072 (SCI)
  18. Vanderelst, D., Y.-F. Lee, I. Geipel, E. Kalko, Y.-M. Kuo, and H. Peremans. 2013. The noseleaf of Rhinolophus formosae focuses the Frequency Modulated (FM) component of the calls. Frontiers in Physiology 4: 191. (SCI)
  19. Su, Y.-M., P.-C. L. Hou, -L. Wang, C.-F. Yang, and Y.-F. Lee. 2013. Growth and Chlorophyll Content of Mangroves in Wetland Mesocosms for the Treatment of Mariculture Effluent. Advanced Science Letters 19: 3413-3420 (SCI)
  20. Chang1, S.-Y., Y.-F. Lee1*, Y.-M. Kuo, and J.-H. Chen. 2012. Frugivory by barbets and the effects of de-inhibition and scarification on seed germination. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 640-650 (SCI; 3)
  21. Lee, Y.-F.*, Y.-M. Kuo, -C. Chu, Y.-H. Lin, H.-Y. Chang, W.-M. Chen. 2012.Ecomorphology, differentiated habitat use, and nocturnal activities of Rhinolophus and Hipposideros in East-Asia tropical forests. Zoology 115: 22-29 (SCI)
  1. Lee, Y.-F. 1*, Y.-H. Lin1, and S.-H. Wu. 2010. Spatiotemporal variation in cicada diversity and distribution, and tree use by exuviating nymphs, in East Asian tropical reef-karst forests and forestry plantations. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 102: 216-226 (SCI)
  2. Lee, Y.-F.*, Takaso, T.-Y. Chiang, Y.-M. Kuo, N. Nakanishi, H.-Y. Tzeng, and K. Yasuda. 2009. Variation in the nocturnal foraging distribution of and resource use by endangered Ryukyu flying-foxes (Pteropus dasymallus) on Iriomotejima, Japan. Contributions to Zoology 78: 51-64 (SCI)
  3. Gillam, E. H., G. F. McCracken, J. K. Westbrook, Y.-F. Lee, M. L. Jensen, and B. B. Balsley. 2009. Bats aloft: variability in echolocation call structure at high altitudes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 69-79 (SCI)
  4. Lee, Y.-F.*, Y.-M. Kuo, S.-S. Lu, H.-J. Jean, D.-Y. Chen, P.-C. L. Hou, and J.-T. Chao. 2009. Trampling, litter removal, and variations in the composition and relative abundance of soil arthropods in a subtropical hardwood forest. Zoological Studies 48: 162-173 (SCI)
  5. Chiang, T.-Y.1, -C. Lao1, Y.-F. Lee1, C.-T. Yao. 2008. Development of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Garrulax morrisonianus (Timaliidae), an endemic avian species of Taiwan. Conservation Genetics 9: 1711-1713 (SCI; co-first author).
  6. Lee, Y.-F.*, -M. Kuo, W.-C. Chu, Y.-H. Lin, S.-H. Wu, H-H. Wang, and J.-T. Chao. 2008. Spatiotemporal variation in avian diversity and the short-term effects of typhoons in tropical reef-karst forests on Taiwan. Zoological Science 25: 593-603 (SCI)
  7. McCracken, G. F., E. H. Gillam, J. K. Westbrook, Y.-F. Lee, M. L. Jensen, and B. B. Balsley. 2008. Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis: Molossidae, Chiroptera) at high altitude: links to migratory insect populations. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48: 107-118 (SCI)
  8. Lee, Y.-F.*, -M. Kuo, W.-C. Chu, Y.-H. Lin. 2007. Chiropteran diversity in different settings of the uplifed coral reef tropical forest of Taiwan. Journal of Mammalogy 88: 1239-1247 (SCI)
  9. Lee, Y.-F.*, -M. Kuo, Y.-H. Lin, W.-C. Chu, H-H. Wang, and S.-H. Wu. 2006. Composition, diversity, and spatial relationships in anurans following wetland restoration in a managed tropical forest. Zoological Science 23: 883-891 (SCI)
  10. Lee, Y.-F.*, Y.-M. Kuo, and E. K. Bollinger. 2005. Effects of feeding height and distance from protective cover on the foraging behavior of wintering birds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83: 880-890 (SCI).
  11. Lee, Y.-F.* and G. F. McCracken. 2005. Dietary variation of Brazilian free-tailed bats links to migratory populations of pest insects. Journal of Mammalogy 86: 67-76 (SCI)
  12. Lee, Y.-F.* and L.-L. Lee. 2005. Food habits of Japanese pipistrelles Pipistrellus abramus (Chiroptera; Vespertilionidae). Zoological Studies 44: 95-101 (SCI)
  13. Lee, Y.-F. and L. L. Severinghaus. 2004. Sexual and seasonal differences in the diet of Lanyu Scops Owls based on fecal analysis. Journal of Wildlife Management 68: 299-306 (SCI)
  14. Lee, Y.-F.* and G. F. McCracken. 2004. Flight activity and food habits of three species of Myotis bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in sympatry. Zoological Studies 43: 589-597 (SCI)
  15. Lee, Y.-F.* and G.. F. McCracken. 2002. Foraging activity and resource use of Brazilian free-tailed bats Tadarida brasiliensis (Molossidae). Ecoscience 9: 306-313 (SCI)
  16. Lee, Y.-F.* and Y.-M. Kuo. 2001. Predation on a Mexican free-tailed bat colony by Peregrine Falcons and Red-tailed Hawks. Journal of Raptor Research 35: 115-123 (SCI)
  17. Lee, Y.-F.* and G. F. McCracken. 2001. Timing and variation in the emergence and return of a large colony of Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana). Zoological Studies 40: 309-316 (SCI)
  18. Lee, Y.-F.* and Y.-M. Kuo. 1999. Roadrunner preys on Mexican Free-tailed Bat. Bat Research News 40:4-5.
  19. McCracken, G. F., Y.-F. Lee, J. K. Westbrook, and B. B. Balsley, M. L. Jensen. 1997. High altitude foraging by Mexican free-tailed bats: vertical profiling using kites and hot air balloons. Bat Research News 38:117.
  20. McCracken, G. F., Y.-F. Lee, J. K. Westbrook, and W. W. Wolf. 1996. High Altitude predation by Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis Mexicana) on migratory insect pests. Bat Research News 37:140-141.
  21. Lee, Y.-F.* Comments on “The Study of Chinese Bats: a Review”. Bat Research News 37:117-118.


  1. Fresneau, N., Y.-F. Lee, W.-C. Lee, A. Kosztolányi, T. Székély, A. Liker. 2022. Sex role reversal and high frequency of social polyandry in the pheasant-tailed jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus). Pp. 54-68, in (Á. Pogány, E. T. Krause, V. Bókony, O. Roth, eds) The Development and Fitness Consequences of Sex Roles. Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne.
  2. Ngo, B. V. and Y.-F. Lee. 2022. Ecology of the Granular Spiny Frog Quasipaa verrucospinosa (Amphibia: Anura – Dicroglossidae) in Central Vietnam. Pp. 1-18,in Protected Area Management-Recent Advances. M. N. Suratman (ed).IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99656.    
  1. McCracken, G. F., Y.-F. Lee, E. H. Gillam, W. Frick, J. Krauel. 2021. Bats Flying at High Altitudes. Pp. 189-205, in (BK Lim et al. eds.) 50 Years of Bat Research: Foundations and New Frontiers. Springer.

研討會論文 (2014 to present)

  1. Hsu, H.-C., Y.-M. Kuo, Y.-J. Kuo, B.-Y. Chuang, Y.-J. Huang, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-F. Lee*. 2024. The effects of grouping on bold behaviors of bent-wing bats. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taipei, Taiwan.
  2. Hsu, H.-C., B.-Y. Chuang, Y.-J. Kuo, Y.-Y. Chiang, Y.-L. Tai, Y.-C. Su, Y.-J. Huang, S.-L. Chang, Y.-M. Kuo, W.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Lee*. 2022. SLOSS ─ pond features and social interactions affect jacana breeding. Annual CBB Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.
  3. -J. Huang, B.-Y. Chuang, H.-C. Hsu, Y.-J. Kuo, S.-L. Chang, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Su, Y.-M. Kuo, W.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Lee*. 2022. Does size matter?-variation in jacanas’ eggs. Annual CBB Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.
  4. Fresneau N., W. Sankamethawee, Y.-F. Lee, W.-C. Lee, A. Kosztolányi, T. Székély, A. Liker. 2022. Timing of breeding in relation to social and ecological environment in two populations of pheasant-tailed jacanas. International Wader Study Group Annual Conference. Szeged, Hungary.
  5. Lee, Y.-F., Y.-M. Kuo, Y.-L. Tai, Y.-J. Kuo. 2022. Parasitism and phenotypic traits of bats. The 1st NCKU-NAIST Symposium on Biology and Biotechnology. Tainan, Taiwan.
  6. Lin, -Y., Y.-C. Su, B.-Y. Chuang, H.-C. Hsu, Y.-C. Hwang, W.-C. Lee, Y.-M. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*.2022. Effects of habitat correlates on Jacana reproductive success. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taitung, Taiwan.
  7. Chuang, B.-Y., Y.-J. Kuo, H.-C. Hsu, Y.-Y. Chiang, Y.-L. Tai, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-M. Kuo, W.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Lee*.2022. Sexual differences and breeding stage affect jacana time allocation. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taitung, Taiwan.
  8. Hwang, Y.-C., Y.-C. Su, B.-Y. Chuang, Y.-J. Kuo, H.-C. Hsu, Y.-Y. Chiang, Y.-L. Tai, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-M. Kuo, W.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Lee*.2022. Polyandry and male mating order affect reproductive success in pheasant-tailed jacanas. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taitung, Taiwan.
  9. Kuo, Y.-J., Y.-L. Tai, Y.-M. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*. 2021. State-dependent effects on proactive-reactive behaviors of eastern bent-winged bats across contexts. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Tainan, Taiwan.
  10. Chuang, B.-Y., Y.-Y. Chiang, Y.-J. Kuo, Y.-L. Tai, Y.-M. Kuo, W.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Lee*. 2021. A day in the life: time allocation of parental male jacanas. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Tainan, Taiwan.
  11. Hsu, H.-C., Y.-C. Su, B.-Y. Chuang, Y.-Y. Chiang, Y.-J. Kuo, Y.-C. Hwang, Y.-L. Tai, S.-L. Chang, Y.-M. Kuo, W.-C. Lee, Y.-F. Lee*. 2021. The environmental correlates of jacana reproductive success. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Tainan, Taiwan.
  12. Kuo, Y-J, Y-M Kuo, Y-L Tai, Y-F Lee*. 2020. Animal personality and behavioral syndrome in insectivorous Eastern Bent-winged Bats (Miniopterus fuliginosus) across contexts. Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC), National University of Singapore.
  13. McCracken, G. F., Y.-F. Lee, E. H. Gillam, W. Frick, J. Krauel. 2020. Bats flying at high altitudes. The 50th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, Tulsa, Arizona, USA.
  14. Fresneau N., Y.-F. Lee, W.-C. Lee, A. Liker. 2019. Pair-bonding and parental behaviour of the sex-role reversed Pheasant-tailed Jacana. Magyar Etológiai Társaság Konferenciája, Hungary.
  15. Fresneau N., Y.-F. Lee, W.-C. Lee, A. Liker. 2019. How to deal with love triangle in the pheasant-tailed jacana? The International Wader Study Group Annual Conference. Morecambe, UK.
  16. Lee, Y.-F., Y.-M. Kuo, W.-C. Chu, Y.-H. Lin. 2019. Flycatching Rhinolophus formosae selects perches in relation to vegetation structure. The 2019 European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Edinburgh, UK.
  17. Kuo, Y.-J., Y.-M. Kuo, Y.-L. Tai, Y.-F. Lee*. 2019. State-dependent effects on personality traits of Eastern bent-wing bats (Miniopterus fuliginosus) in cross-context tests. The 2019 European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Edinburgh, UK.
  18. Tai, Y. L., Y.-M. Kuo, Y.-J. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*. 2019. Body conditions and state-dependent bat fly infection in Eastern bent-wing bats (Miniopterus fuliginosus). The 2019 European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Edinburgh, UK.
  19. Lee, Y.-F., J.-L. Cai, S.-Y. Yang, W.-J. Weng, Y.-M. Kuo, and Y.-J. Kuo. 2018. An assessment of the impact of wind turbines on bats in central Taiwan: how close are we to remedy a necessary evil? Symposium on Ecological Issues of Birds and Bats Associated with Wind Energy. Taipei, Taiwan.
  20. Lee, Y.-F., Y.-M. Kuo, Nakanishi, H.-Y. Chang, C. -F. Tsai, S. Baba, and T. Takaso. 2018. Flying-foxes’ dependence on and interactions with figs on Iriomote Island and the conservation implications. The 6th Taiwan-Japan Ecology Workshop. Tainan, Taiwan.
  21. Tai, Y.-L. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2018. Body conditions and state-dependent parasite infection in Eastern bent-winged bats. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Award for the Best Presentations)
  22. Zhang, X.- and Y.-F. Lee*. 2018. Exotic and native avian foraging flock sizes in urbanized environments. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Award for the Best Presentations)
  23. Chuang, L.-H. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2018. Effective seed dispersers of mistletoes: a case of plant-animal interactions in Hengchun Tropical Botanical Garden. a case of plant-animal interactions in Hengchun Tropical Botanical Garden. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  24. Lee, Y.-F., Y.-M. Kuo, Baba, and T. Takaso. 2017. Resource Use and Foraging Dispersion of Ryukyu Flying-foxes and Relationships with Fig Abundance on Iriomote Island. The 47th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
  25. Zhang, X.-Q, Y.-M. Kuo, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2017. Avian flight initiation distance in urban environment: A habitat island approach. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Award for the Best Presentations)
  26. Chuang, L.-H. and Y-F. Lee*. 2017. Food resource use of plain flowerpeckers (Dicaeum concolor uchidai) and interactions with mistletoes. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  27. Huang, Y.-T., S.-Y. Chang, C.-L. Wu, -M. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*. 2015. Interspecific differences in fig nutrient contents and their ecological correlations. 2015 Annual Symposium of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Honululu, Hawaii.
  28. Chang, S.-Y., C.-L. Wu, Y.-T. Huang, -M. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*. 2015. Fig plant morphology, fruiting phenology, and neighborhood effects affect fruit removal. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Chiayi, Taiwan. (Award for the Best Presentations)
  29. Huang, Y.-T., S.-Y. Chang, C.-L. Wu, -M. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*. 2015. Interspecific differences in fig nutrient contents and their ecological correlations. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Chiayi, Taiwan. (Award for the Best Presentations)
  30. Lee, Y.-F. 2015. Exploring animal exploration — the role of ecological contexts and implications for conservation. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Chiayi, Taiwan.
  31. Ngo, B. V., C. D. Ngo, P.-C. Ho*, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2015. Living in the tropical rain forests of central Vietnam—Reproductive ecology of Quasipaa verrucospinosa. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Chiayi, Taiwan.
  32. Ngo, B. V., C. D. Ngo, and Y.–F. Lee*. 2015. Seasonal and size- and sex-dependent dietary variation of granular spiny frogs in central Vietnam. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Chiayi, Taiwan.
  33. Wu, C.-L., Y.-T. Huang, Chang, S.-Y., -M. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*. 2015. Frugivore foraging behaviors affect fig fruit removal. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Chiayi, Taiwan.
  34. Lee, Y.-F. Foraging activity of bats and its correlates — Intricate habitat selection and implications for conservation. 2014 International Bat Biology Symposium. Tung-Hai University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  35. Tsai, C.-F., Y.-H. Chen, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2014. Habitat structure affects the variations in species diversity and composition of mountain forest bird assemblages. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
  36. Chen, J.-H., -M. Kuo, T. Takaso, S. Baba, M. Izawa, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2014. Comparative food habits of two closely-related insectivorous bats and their eco-morphological correlates. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
  37. Hsieh, C.-R. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2014. You are not alone: Foraging behaviors of geckos and the effect of neighbors. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
  38. Hsieh, C.-R. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2013. Environmental factors affect the species composition of lizard assemblages in different habitats. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Hwalien, Taiwan.
  39. Huang, C.-K. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2013. The spatial position and foraging behavior of herons in mixed-species foraging flocks. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Hwalien, Taiwan.
  40. Tsai, C.-F., Y.-H. Chen, Y.-F. Lee*. 2013. The formation of mixed-species bird flocks in mountain forests. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Hwalien, Taiwan.
  41. 陳琦玲、賴建志、李亞夫、何姿穎、蔡正國、陳宥延、黃毓斌、江明耀。2013。無線感測資料在農田生物生態研究之應用。「WSN與RFID在農業之應用」研討會論文集5-8。農業試驗所。台中。
  42. Chang, S.-Y., J.-H. Chen, -M. Kuo, Y.-F. Lee*. 2012. Food resource use and seed dispersal by an obligate frugivore, the Taiwan Barbet (Megalaima nuchalis). Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taipei, Taiwan. (Award for the Best Presentations)
  43. Huang, C.-K. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2012. Habitat use pattern of Herons (Ardeidae) in Taijiang area. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taipei, Taiwan. (Award for the Best Presentations)
  44. Lu, Y.-C. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2012. Food resource use of chiropteran assemblage in mid-elevation forests of central Taiwan. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taipei, Taiwan.
  45. Tsai, C.-F., Y.-H. Chen, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2012. Climate changes and turnover in forest bird assemblages over two decades. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taipei, Taiwan.
  46. Tseng, H.-C., C.-H. Wu, Lee, I.-K. Kwon, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2012. Habitat use and selection by wintering Black-faced Spoonbills in Taiwan. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taipei, Taiwan.
  47. Lee, Y.-F. Behavioral traits in a changing world. NSC Mini-symposium on Organismal and Evolutionary Biology in Taiwan-a Review and Forcast for Biodiversity Research. Taipei, Taiwan.
  48. Chang, S.-Y., W.-C. Chu, J.-H. Chen, Y-F. Lee*. 2010. Food resource use and seed dispersal by an obligate frugivore, the Taiwan Barbet (Megalaima nuchalis). Annual Symposium of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Bali, Indonesia.
  49. Tsai, C.-F., W.-M. Chen, Y.-H. Chen, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2010. Short term effects of Typhoon Morakot on forest bird assemblages. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Changhua, Taiwan.
  50. Chang, H.-Y. and Y.–F. Lee*. 2010. Differential resource use by Taiwan Barbets and Taiwan Macaques: implications for seed dispersal. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Changhua, Taiwan.
  51. Chen, W.-M., Y.-H. Chen, Y.-M. Kuo, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2010. Seasonal variation in singing patterns of forest avian assemblages. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Changhua, Taiwan.
  52. Lee, Y.-F.*, T. Takaso, Y.-M. Kuo, Nakanishi, and K. Yasuda. 2009. Variation in the nocturnal foraging distribution of Ryukyu flying-foxes (Pteropus dasymallus) on Iriomotejima Island, Japan. The Annual Meeting of the Mammalogical Society of Japan, Taipei, Taiwan.
  53. Lu, Y.-C., L.-K. Lin, C.-C. Huang, P.-H. Lu, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2009. Species composition and diversity of chiropteran assemblage in mid-elevation forests of central Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of the Mammalogical Society of Japan, Taipei, Taiwan.
  54. Lee, Y.-F.*, Y.-M. Kuo, P.-H. Leu, C.-C. Huang, and Y.-C. Lu. 2009. Bats, moths, DNA: a test on trophic relationship of forest insectivorous mammals. 2009 Symposium on Biodiversity Action Plan. Nantou, Taiwan.
  55. Chu, W.-C., Y.-M. Kuo, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2009. Look behind: tree sparrows feed on the ground that conceals them better. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
  56. Chen, W.-M., Y.-H. Chen, C.-T. Yao, Y.-M. Kuo, and Y.-F. Lee*. 2009. Dawn singing: bigger eye-sized birds sing earlier? Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
  57. Chang, H.-Y. and Y.-F. Lee*. 2009. Avian community and reproduction on urban habitat islands. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
  58. Yao, C.-T., H.-Y. Hung, H.-C. Liao, C.-F. Yi, S.-H. Li, and Y.-F. Lee. 2009. Use of nest boxes, diet and provision of Fulvous-faced Flycatcher Warbler (Abroscopus albogularis) in Ao-Wan-Da. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
  59. Yao, C.-T., H.-Y. Hung, H.-C. Liao, C.-F. Yi, S.-H. Li, and Y.-F. Lee. 2009. Use of nest boxes, breeding biology of Fulvous-faced Flycatcher Warbler (Abroscopus albogularis) in Ao-Wan-Da. Annual Symposium on Behavior and Ecology. Taichung, Taiwan.
