博士 |
加州大學戴維斯分校細胞暨發育生物學博士 |
碩士 |
臺灣大學植物病理學研究所 |
臺灣大學植物病理學系 |
年份 |
職位 |
機構 |
2023.8 – 迄今 |
教授 |
國立成功大學 生命科學系 |
2022.3 – 2023.7 |
研究員 |
中央研究院 植物暨微生物學研究所 |
2017.8 – 2022.3 |
長聘副研究員 |
中央研究院 植物暨微生物學研究所 |
2012.3 – 2017.8 |
副研究員 |
中央研究院 植物暨微生物學研究所 |
2007.5 – 2012.3 |
助研究員 |
中央研究院 植物暨微生物學研究所 |
2004.1 – 2007.4 |
博士後研究 |
加州大學柏克萊分校 |
2003.3 – 2003.12 |
博士後研究 |
密西根大學安那堡分校 |
年份 |
榮譽及獎勵 |
2014 |
中央研究院Career Development Award |
2012 |
中央研究院年輕學者著作獎 |
2012 |
吳健雄基金會台灣傑出女科學家新秀獎 |
- Li, Y.-H., Ke, T.-Y., Shih, W.-C., Liou, R-F.*, and Wang, C.-W.* (2021) NbSOBIR1 partitions into plasma membrane microdomains and binds ER-localized NbRLP1. Front Plant Sci. 12: 721548. (*Corresponding author)
- Bai, X., Huang, L.-J., Chen, S.-W., Nebenfuehr, B., Wysolmerski, B., Wu, J.-C., Olson, S. K., Golden, A., and Wang, C.-W.* (2020) Loss of the seipin gene perturbs eggshell formation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Development. 147(20):dev192997. (*Corresponding author)
- Su, W.-C., Lin, Y.-H., Pagac, M., and Wang, C.-W.* (2019) Seipin negatively regulates sphingolipid production at the ER-LD contact site. J Cell Biol. 218(11):3663-3680. (*Corresponding author)
- Hsu, T.-H., Chen, R-H., Cheng, Y.-H., and Wang, C.-W.* (2017) Lipid droplets are central organelles for meiosis II progression during yeast sporulation. Mol. Biol. Cell. 28(3):440-451. (*Corresponding author)
- Iwasa, S., Sato, N., Wang, C.-W., Cheng, Y.-H., Irokawa, H., Hwang. G.W., Naganuma, A., Kuge, S. (2016) The phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase Lro1 is responsible for Hepatitis C Virus core-induced lipid droplet formation in a yeast model system. PLoS One. 11(7):e0159324.
- Yang, P.-L,, Hsu, T.-H., Wang C.-W.*, Chen, R.-H.*. (2016) Lipid droplets maintain lipid homeostasis during anaphase for efficient cell separation in budding yeast. Mol Biol Cell. 27(15):2368-80. (*Corresponding author)
- Wang, C.-W.* (2016). Lipid droplets, lipophagy, and beyond. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1861 (8 Pt B):793-805. (Invited Review) (*Corresponding author)
- Wang, C.-W.* (2015). Lipid droplet dynamics in budding yeast. Cell Mol Life Sci. 72(14):2677-95. (Invited Review) (*Corresponding author)
- Peng, K.-C., Wang, C.-W., Wu, C.-H., Huang, C.-T., Liou, R.-F. (2015). Tomato SOBIR1/EVR homologs are involved in elicitin perception and plant defense against the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 28(8):913-26.
- Wang, C.-W.* (2014). Stationary phase lipophagy as a cellular mechanism to recycle sterols during quiescence. Autophagy. 10(11): 2075-6. (*Corresponding author)
- Wang, C.-W.*, Miao, Y.-H., and Chang, Y.-S. (2014). A sterol-enriched vacuolar microdomain mediates stationary phase lipophagy in budding yeast. J Cell Biol. 206(3):357-66. (*Corresponding author)
Selected for highlight in J. Cell Biol. 206 (3): 330. (2014) Faculty of 1000 “recommended”
- Wang, C.-W.*, Miao, Y.-H., and Chang, Y.-S. (2014). Control of lipid droplet size in budding yeast requires the collaboration between Fld1 and Ldb16. J Cell Sci. 127: 1214-1228. (*Corresponding author)
- Starr, T. L., Pagant, S., Wang, C.-W., and Schekman, R. (2012). Sorting signals that mediate traffic of chitin synthase III between the TGN/endosomes and to the plasma membrane in yeast. PLoS One. 7(10): e46386.
- Wang, C.-W.*, and Lee, S.-C. (2012). The ubiquitin-like (UBX)-domain-containing protein Ubx2/Ubxd8 regulates lipid droplet homeostasis. J Cell Sci. 125: 2930-2939. (*Corresponding author)
- Wu, C.-H., Lee, S.-C., and Wang, C.-W.* (2011). Viral protein targeting to the cortical endoplasmic reticulum is required for cell-cell spreading in plants. J Cell Biol. 193 (3): 521-535. (*Corresponding author) Selected for highlight in J Cell Biol. 193 (3): 426. (2011) Selected for highlight in Nature Reviews Microbiology. 9: 400. (2011)
- Lee, S.-C., Wu, C.-H., and Wang, C.-W.* (2010). Traffic of a viral movement protein complex to the highly curved tubules of the cortical endoplasmic reticulum. Traffic. 11, 912-930. (*Corresponding author)
- Wang, C. -W., Hamamoto, S., Orci, L., and Schekman, R. Exomer: A coat complex for transport of select membrane proteins from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane in yeast. (2006). J Cell Biol. 174(7): 973-83. Selected for highlight in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7: 795. (2006).
- Cheong, H., Yorimitsu, T., Reggiori, F., Legakis, J. E., Wang, C. -W., and Klionsky, D. J. (2005) Atg17 regulates the magnitude of the autophagic response. Mol Biol Cell. 16(7): 3438-53.
- Stromhaug, P. E., Reggiori, F., Guan, J., Wang C.-W., and Klionsky DJ. (2004). Atg21 is a phosphoinositide binding protein required for efficient lipidation and localization of Atg8 during uptake of aminopeptidase I by selective autophagy. Mol Biol Cell. 15(8): 3553-3566.
- Reggiori, F., Wang, C.-W., Stromhaug, P. E., Abeliovich, H., and Klionsky, D. J. (2004). Early stages of the secretory pathway but not endosomes, are required for Cvt vesicle and autophagosome assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol. Biol. Cell. 15(5): 2189-204.
- Wang, C.-W., Stromhaug, P. E., Kauffman, E., Weisman, L. S., and Klionsky, D. J., (2003). Yeast homotypic vacuole fusion requires the Ccz1-Mon1 complex during the tethering/docking stage. J Cell Biol. 163(5): 973-85.
- Wang, C.-W., and Klionsky, D. J., (2003). The molecular mechanism of autophagy. Molecular Medicine. 9(3/4): 65-76.
- Wang, C.-W. and Klionsky, D. J. (2003). Chapter 8: Microautophagy. In: Autophagy. D. J. Klionsky ed. Landes Bioscience. Georgetown, TX.
- Reggiori, F., Wang, C.-W., Stromhaug, P. E., Shintani, T., and Klionsky, D. J. (2003). Vps51 is part of the yeast Vps Fifty Three tethering complex essential for retrograde traffic from the early endosome and Cvt vesicle completion. J Biol Chem. 278(7): 5009-5020.
- Wang, C.-W., Stromhaug, P. E., Shima, J. and Klionsky, D. J. (2002). The Ccz1-Mon1 protein complex is required for the late step of multiple vacuole delivery pathways. J Biol Chem. 277(49): 47917-27.
- Wang, C.-W., Kim, J., Huang, W-P., Abeliovich, H., Stromhaug, P. E., Dann, W. A. Jr., and Klionsky, D. J. (2001). Apg2 is a novel protein required for the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting, autophagy, and pexophagy pathways. J Biol Chem. 276(32): 30442-51.