許祐薰 助理教授


電話:+886-6-275-7575 ext.58132    研究室:58104 or 58114轉31
email: yuhsunhsu@mail.ncku.edu.tw





從同一物種不同族群間出現分化開始,到形成完全的生殖隔離之間,通常是一個漫長又複雜的種化過程。在常見的情況下,來自生物或非生物的環境壓力,會藉由天擇促使兩族群產生適應性分化(adaptive divergence),性擇則常從旁輔佐,促進物種之間形成生殖隔離(reproductive isolation)。然而,這樣的種化機制可能會被兩族群之間的基因交流(gene flow)弱化。在這三者組成互相角力的情況之下(下圖),分化中的族群接下來會往哪個方向走,環境變遷是否會破壞當前的動態平衡,都是我們探討的方向。目前實驗室則是以中華珈蟌的兩個亞種作為主要研究對象,探究天擇,性擇,和基因交流三者對於這兩個豆娘亞種的影響。


(Figure from Hsu, 2019)

婚配制度(mating systems)與婚配策略(mating strategy)



(Figure from Hsu et al., 2015, Molecular Ecology)



時間 學歷
博士 奧塔哥大學 (University of Otago) 動物學研究所
碩士 國立臺灣大學 生態學與演化生物學研究所
學士 國立臺灣大學 動物科技學系


年份 職位 機構
2018 – 迄今 助理教授 國立成功大學 生命科學系
2015 – 2018 博士後研究 國立臺灣師範大學 生命科學系


年份 榮譽與獎勵
2022 國立成功大學110學年度教學特優教師


  1. Pei-Chen Lin, Tzen-Yuh Chiang, Miaw-Ling Chen, Tsai-Wen Hsu, Po-Wu Gean, Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Yu-Hsun Hsu (2024) Global prospects for cultivating Centella asiatica: an ecological niche modeling approach under current and future climatic scenarios. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 18: 101380.
  2. Jamie Dunning, Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar, Antje Girndt, Terry Burke, Yu-Hsun Hsu, Shinichi Nakagawa, Isabel Winney, Julia Schroeder (2024) Extrapair paternity alongside social reproduction increases male lifetime fitness. Animal Behaviour 213: 117-123.
  3. Takefumi Nakazawa, Yu‐Hsun Hsu, I‐Ching Chen (2023) Why sex matters in phenological research. Oikos 2023(8): e09808.
  4. Yu-Hsun Hsu, ‘Consequences of Infidelity in Nonhuman Animals’, in Tara DeLecce, and Todd K. Shackelford (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Infidelity (2022; online edn, Oxford Academic, 20 Oct. 2022)
  5. Leocris S. Batucan Jr, Yu-Hsun Hsu, Jak W. Maliaszewski, Liang-Jong Wang & Chung-Ping Lin (2021) Novel wing display and divergent agonistic behaviors of two incipient Psolodesmus damselflies. The Science of Nature 108:49.

  6. Wei-Hsuan Fang, Yu-Hsun Hsu, Wen-Long Lin, Shih-Ching Yen (2020) The function of avian mobbing: an experimental test of “attract the mightier” hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 170:229-233.

  7. Chun-Yu Lin, Yu-Hsun Hsu, Jo-Fan Wang, Chung-Ping Lin (2019) New damselfly hosts and species identification of an aquatic parasitoid Hydrophylita emporos (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in Taiwan. Journal of Natural History 53(35-36): 2195-2205.

  8. Hsu, Yu-Hsun, Reginald B. Cocroft, Robert L. Snyder & Chung-Ping Lin (2018) You stay, but I hop: Host-shifting
    instead of coevolution dominated evolution of Enchenopa treehoppers. Ecology and Evolution 8(4): 1954-1965. 
  9. Winney, Isabel, Julia Schroeder, Shinichi Nakagawa, Yu-Hsun Hsu, Mirre JP Simons, Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar, Maria-Elena  Mannarelli & Terry Burke (2017) Heritability and social brood effects in personality across life stages in a wild passerine. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31(1): 75-87. 
  10. Hsu, Yu-Hsun, Mirre JP Simons, Julia Schroeder, Antje Girndt, Isabel Winney, Terry Burke & Shinichi Nakagawa (2017) Age-dependent trajectories differ between within-pair and extra-pair paternity success. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30(5): 951-959 
  11. Schroeder, Julia, Yu-Hsun Hsu, Isabel Winney, Mirre JP Simons Mirre, Shinichi Nakagawa & Terry Burke (2016)
    Predictably philandering females prompt poor paternal provisioning. American Naturalist 188(2): 219-230. 
  12. Hsu, Yu-Hsun, Julia Schroeder, Isabel Winney, Terry Burke & Shinichi Nakagawa (2015) Are extra-pair males
    different from cuckolded males? A case study and a meta-analytic examination. Molecular Ecology 24(7): 1558-71.
  13. Winney, Isabel, Shinichi Nakagawa, Yu-Hsun Hsu, Terry Burke & Julia Schroeder (2015) Troubleshooting the
    potential pitfalls of cross-fostering. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6(5): 584-592. 
  14. Hsu, Yu-Hsun, Julia Schroeder, Isabel Winney, Terry Burke & Shinichi Nakagawa (2014) Costly infidelity: Low
    lifetime fitness of extra-pair offspring in a passerine bird. Evolution 68(10): 2873-2884.
  15. Winney, Isabel & Yu-Hsun Hsu (2012) Long-term studies of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) on Lundy. LFS
    Annual Report 2011: 97-98. 
  16. Hsu, Yu-Hsun & Lucia Liu Severinghaus (2011) Nest-site selection of the greater painted snipe (Rostratula
    benghalensis benghalensis) in fallow fields of I-Lan, Taiwan. Taiwania 56(3): 26-36. 
  17. Hsu, Yu-Hsun, Lucia Liu Severinghaus, Shou-Hsien Li, & Yu-Cheng Hsu (2010) Detecting obscure hybrids of light-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis formosae) and Styan’s bulbul (P. taivanus) with microsatellite. Journal of National Park 20(1), 26-36 (In Chinese with English abstract).


  1. Yu-Hsun Hsu. Consequences of infidelity in non-human animals (2021) In Todd Shackelford and Tara DeLecce (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Infidelity . Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.
