

Postdoc Position



I am seeking a postdoc candidate to join our team in conducting a MOST-funded project (Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan) to study behavioral and individual traits of bats in different social contexts.

The applicants are expected to have sufficient capability in English and sufficient training background and research experience in animal behavior and/or behavioral ecology, at either the field or the laboratory perspectives. The knowledge about bats is not essentially required, but an enthusiastic and caring attitude is.


起始時間 (starting date):2020/08/01, or within immediate effect or negotiation (即日起或洽談)

工作內容:接受主持人指導執行科技部計畫 (動物行為與生態相關之野外及實驗室研究)


期限 (annual contract, may be extended):一年聘 (可續聘)


  1. 具生物相關科系博士學位 (PhD degree in Biology, Zoology, Ecology, Life Sciences, or related fields);
  2. (a) 具「行為生態學」(Behavioral Ecology)、「動物行為學」 (Animal Behavior, Behavioral Biology, Ethology, experimental psychology) 等相關領域研究經驗或課程 訓練,或 (b) 具生態學 (Ecology)等相關領域研究經驗或課程訓練,且符合條件 3。
  1. 對野生動物 (哺乳類、鳥類等) 觀察、田野與室內行為生態實驗、及研究工作有強烈 興趣 (training, research experiences, and strong interests in animal behavior and ecology in both field and lab contexts)。
  2. 身體健康、具野外活動體能、可夜間工作、有耐性、個性沉穩負責、主動積極、配合 度高、具團隊合作精神及獨立工作能力。
  3. 具汽/機車駕照與遠程行動能力。


應徵方式:請備履歷、推薦信 (CV, one recommendation letter), 以 E-mail 寄 yafulee@mail.ncku.edu.tw

相關詢問 (contact and further information):

Tel: 06-2757575~58115

李亞夫老師, 行為與演化生態研究室, 國立成功大學生命科學系, 臺南市大學路 1 號

Ya-Fu Lee, Professor

Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, 1 University Road Tainan, Taiwan 70101