公告/申請書 | |
中文申請公告 | 110-1資格考筆試申請公告(中文)doc |
口試:請於口試前一個月申請並填寫「博士班資格考口試委員經費申請表」。 | 2.博士班資格考口試申請表(含經費) |
筆試(109學年度(含)前入學者):申請表請於110年10月15日(星期五)前送給系辦公室陳小姐辦理申請。 | 資格考筆試申請表 |
From now on, you can apply for “The qualification exam of Ph.D. of Life Sciences” in the first semester of 110 academic year.
announcement/application form | |
The announcement of English version | 110-1資格考筆試申請公告(英文)doc |
Oral defense:Please apply at least a month before the date of defense. | application for oral defense |
written examination: Please fill the application form and submit to Miss Chen before Oct. 15, 2021. P.S.The students enrolled before 109 academic year need to take the written examination. |
資格考筆試英文版(English application form) |