1)「生態學」(Ecology) 研究領域 (群聚生態、地景生態、生態系生態等層次尤佳)。
2)開授課程:可開授生態學領域專業課程及動物/植物等個體生物學(organismal biology)領域之基礎課程。
- 個人履歷 (學經歷資料)
- 新聘教師資料表(如附檔)
- 博士學位證書影印本(持國外學歷且未經駐外單位驗證者,先繳交證書影本後以驗證版影本抽換)
- 未來研究及教學計畫
- 論文著作目錄及五年內發表之論文或著作抽印本(請附註期刊IF與領域ranking,選定一篇為個人代表作)
- 成績單 (大學及研究所,博士學位持國外學歷者成績單須經駐外單位驗證)
- 三封推薦信(請各推薦者直接寄送給本系黃浩仁主任收,或彌封後與應徵資料一同寄送)
70101 台南市東區大學路一號 國立成功大學生命科學系 黃浩仁主任
傳真:06-2766489 E-MAIL:em65501@email.ncku.edu.tw
業務聯絡人:陳小姐 電話:06-2757575轉58121 e-mail: cyc@gs.ncku.edu.tw
Faculty Position Available in Ecology
The Department of Life Sciences at National Cheng Kung University invites applications for one tenure-track faculty positions in the field of Ecology starting from August 1, 2022. The successful candidate will join a highly dynamic and collegial academic setting, and will receive a start-up package, generous laboratory space, and an environment that supports multidisciplinary collaboration. The candidate will be expected to develop an innovative, externally funded research program, contribute to departmental activities, and demonstrate excellence in teaching and trainee mentorship in our undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Research fields in Ecology (community, landscape, and ecosystem levels will be more preferred).
- Teaching capacity in relevant courses of Ecology and Organismal Biology.
Applicants must have a PhD doctoral degree with an outstanding postdoctoral record of high impact research achievements. The application package must be received by April 15, 2022.
Applicants should submit the following materials.
- A form of Biographical Sketch (Form attached)
- A complete curriculum vitae
- Photocopies of notarized academic credentials
- Statement of research interests and teaching Plan
- Copies of the research publications in the past 5 years (The one representative paper should be indicated)
- Transcripts from graduate schools (Optional for transcripts at the undergraduate level)
- Three recommendation letters
These application materials should be sent to
Huang, Hao-Jen, PhD
Chair, Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University,
No.1, University Road, Tainan City, 70101, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext.58101
Contact us:
Chen, Chia-yi
Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext.58121
Fax: 886-6-2766489
E-mail: cyc@gs.ncku.edu.tw