application form:資格考筆試英文版(English application form)
application form for oral defense:application for oral defense
說明: 依生命科學系博士學位候選人資格考核實施要點第三條:考試科目由該生所屬群組訂定之選考科目中任選三科,由指導教授決定是否跨組選考,並經該生筆試資格考委員會同意後即可提出申請。資格考筆試成績均達七十分(含)以上方為通過。
各學群資格考筆試考試科目 |
生物醫學學群 |
(1) 「生物醫學」學群博士班資格考筆試科目分成「核心」科目(分子生物學、細胞生物學、生物化學、動物生理學)與「專業」科目(遺傳學、神經生物學、免疫學、分子營養學、癌症生物學)。 「生物醫學」學群博士班學生資格考筆試經由指導教授同意後需選考三項科目,包含兩科「核心」科目,一科「專業」科目。 |
基因體及生物科技學群 |
「基因體及生物科技學群」博士班資格考筆試經由指導教授同意後由以下科目選考三科: 基因體學、分子生物學、細胞生物學、遺傳學、演化學、動物生理學、 植物生理學、生物資訊學、生物化學 |
生態學學群 |
「生態學學群」博士班資格考筆試經由指導教授同意後由以下科目選考三科: (1) 生態領域基礎科目: (族群生態學 、群聚/生態系生態學 、地景生態學、 環境/生理生態學、行為生態學、演化生態學) (2) 生態/生物多樣性/保育相關科目: (保育生物學、生物地理學) |
The qualification exam of Ph.D. of Life Sciences in 110 Academic Year the Second Semester has begun to apply. Please fill in the application form and hand in the application to Ms. Chen before March 18, 2022.
According to the third guideline of doctoral candidate qualification examination implementation in Department of Life Sciences: Three subjects can be chosen from the group which the student belongs to. The advisor of the student will decide whether the student take examination from different group or not, and the student can submit an application after receiving the approval of committee members. The passing grade of written examination is 70 points or more.
The Various Groups Eligible for Written |
Biomedical group |
(1) For biomedical group students, the written examination of Ph.D. qualification exam is divided into “core” subjects (Molecular Biology、 Cell Biology、 Biochemistry、Animal Physiology) and “specialized” subjects (Genetics、Neurobiology、Immunology、 Molecular Nutrition、Cancer Biology)。 (2) The biomedical group students choose three subjects that contain two “core” subjects and one “specialized” subject and have the advisor agreement。 |
Genome and Biotechnology group |
For genome and biotechnology group students who want to take the Ph.D. qualification written examination should choose three of following subjects and have the advisor agreement:Genomics、 Molecular Biology、 Cell Biology、Genetics、Evolution、Animal Physiology、 Plant Physiology、Bioinformatics、Biochemistry。 |
Ecology group |
For ecology group students who want to take the Ph.D. qualification written examination should choose three of following subjects and have the advisor agreement: (1) The fundamental subject of ecology:(Population Ecology、Community/ Ecosystem Ecology、Landscape Ecology、 Environmental/ Physiological Ecology、 Behavioral Ecology、 Evolutionary Ecology)。 (2)Ecology/ Biodiversity/ Conservation relating subjects: (Conservation Biology、 Biogeography)。 |