成大生科系演化生態學實驗室 (許祐薰老師) 徵求兼任助理/臨時工兩名 Two part-time job vacancy in the Evolutionary Ecology Group (Dr. Yu-Hsun Hsu) in NCKU


成大生科系演化生態學實驗室 (許祐薰老師) 徵求兼任助理/臨時工兩名

Two part-time job vacancy in the Evolutionary Ecology Group (Dr. Yu-Hsun Hsu) in NCKU


工作內容: 協助整理資料與數據。

Work description: Data collection and data entry 


工作時數: 每週 6-10 小時,可視課程與考試狀況調整。

Working hours: 6-10hr a week, the working hours can be adjusted to your available time.


薪資: 採時薪制。起薪 $168/小時,若能協助收集英文文獻中的數據 and/or 建立資料庫,可調薪,調幅另議。

Salary: start from $168/hr. The salary can be increased if the applicant(s) is capable to search for articles and databases, extract data from published articles and/or to establish a new database.


工作期間: 自111年10月起,希望能持續至少六個月。

When to start: From Oct 2022 onwards, candidates who can continue for at least 6 months will be preferred.


有意申請者,請聯絡許祐薰老師(yuhsunhsu@ncku.edu.tw),來信標題請註明 “申請工讀機會”,並於信中提供簡要自我介紹。

Perspective applicants please directly email Dr Hsu via yuhsunhsu@ncku.edu.tw, with your email title “Application for part-time research assistant”, and a brief introduction of yourself in your email.


更多關於實驗室的資訊: https://sites.google.com/site/yuhsunhsu/home

More information about our research group: https://sites.google.com/site/yuhsunhsu/home