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成大海洋生物及鯨豚研究中心 Facebook
電話:+886-6-275-7575 ext. 65543
email: wangcp@mail.ncku.edu.tw
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成大海洋生物及鯨豚研究中心 Facebook
博士 | 學研究所,私立高雄醫學院 |
碩士 | 動物研究所,國立臺灣大學 |
學士 | 生物系,國立師範大學 |
時間 | 服務機關 | 職位 |
1999 | 國立成功大學 生命科學系 | 教授 |
1992 | 國立成功大學 生命科學系 | 副教授 |
1985 | 國立成功大學 生命科學系 | 講師 |
1984 | 國立成功大學 生命科學系 | 助教 |
1978 | 縣立五峰國中 | 教師 |
期刊論文 (*Corresponding author)
- Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang and W.-R. Chang.(2013) Length-weight relationships of fishes from Beimen lagoon, Taiwan. Journal of application Ichthyology.
- Tsung-Chou Chang, Sing- Ming Wong, and Jiang- Ping Wang. (2012) Cetacean strandings, rehabilitation and pathology in southern Taiwan from 1990 to 2010. 40th Annual Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals 9th to 12th of March.
- Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, and Jiang-Ping Wang. 2012) Length-weight relationships for fishes Chi-gu of Taiwan. Journal of application Ichthyology. 28, 150–151.
- Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, and Jiang-Ping Wang (2012) Length-weight Relationship of Largescale mullet, Liza macrolepis (Smith, 1846), off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11(8): 1948-1952.
- Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng and Jiang-Ping Wang (2012) Correlation between the length and weight of Arius maculatus off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 55, (5), 705-708.
- Wu-Shan Chu, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang, and Hung-Cheng Chen (2011) Estimates of Age, Growth, and Mortality of Spotted Catfish, Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) off the Coast of Yunlin, Southwestern Taiwan. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10(66), 15416-15421.
- Tsung-Chou Chang, Sing-Ming Wong, Jiang-Ping Wang (2011) Cetacean Stranding, Rehabilitation and Conservation in Southern Taiwan. International cetacean conservation and Medicine Symposium April 16-17, Tainan
- .Jiang-Ping Wang (2011) Cetacean stranding and rehabilitation in Southern Taiwan. International cetacean conservation and Medicine Symposium April 16-17, 2011 Tainan
- Wu-Shan Chu, Jiang-Ping Wang, Yi-You Hou, Yih-Tsong Ueng, and Pen-Hsun Chu. (2011) Length-weight relationships for fishes off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. African Journal of Biotechnology .10(19), 3945-3950.
- Shih Y. W, J. P. Wang, M. C. Tseng. (2009) Do Simultaneously Bridled dolphin, Stenella attenuate, come from the same Family? Molecular Biology, Vol. 4, pp. 406-425.
- 王建平、賴雪端、翁義聰、 朱戊杉、蘇永銘、胡弘仁、郭爵錕、洪莞茹、 陳恩倫、陳麒麟、黃永豐、陳宏誠 (2010) 台灣西南沿海溼地環境變遷對生態系衝擊 。黑面琵鷺與沿海濕地保育國際研討會.
- 王建平、朱戊杉、陳坤能、陳明志、陳恩倫、翁義聰(2011) 黑面琵鷺的食性及其度冬區的漁業資源。黑面琵鷺與沿海濕地保育國際研討會
- 陳明志、陳坤能、朱戊杉、王建平、童淑珠、梁維、林千藝、翁義聰。2011。台灣七股濕地魚苗之探討。第二屆台灣濕地生態系研討會(2011/5/12-13)。台北市。
- C. K.-L. Yeung, C.-T. Yao, Y.-C. Hsu, J.-P. Wang & S.-H. Li 2006 Assessment of the historical population size of an endangered bird, the black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) by analysis of mitochondrial DNA diversity. Animal Conservation (SCI)
- Y.T. Ueng, J.J. Perng, J.P. Wang, J.H. Wang and J.C. Hou (2006) Diet of the black-faced spoonbill wintering at Chiku wetland in Southwestern Taiwan. Water Birds 29(2): 185-190. (SCI
- Y.T. Ueng, J.P. Wang, and J.C. Hou 2006 Predicting population trend of Black-faced Spoonbill by a stochastic model. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology volume 119 (SCI)
- Ueng, Y.T. and J.P. Wang (2005) A new species of land snail: Diplommatina hyangi (Gastropoda: Diplommatinidae) from Southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology 29(29):93-100.
- S.P. Hung, J.R.Hsu, C.P. Lo, H.J. Huang, J.P. Wang and S.T. Chen (2005) Genistein-induced neuronal differentiation is associated with activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and upregulation of p21 and N-cadherin J.Cell Biochem. 96(5):1061-1070 (SCI)
- J.J. Perng, Y.S. Lee and J.P. Wang (2005) Emergence patterns of the may Cloeon marginale (Ephemeroptera: Baetudae) in a tropical monsoon for wetland in Taiwan. Aquatic Insect 27(1):1-9. (SCI)
- S.D. Lai, J.P. Wang (2004) Multivariate analysis of dominant attached diatoms and water quality in Szu-Tsao mangrove wetland of Taiwan. Diatom, 20, 133-143
- Chen ,S. T., J. I. Chuang , J. P. Wang , M. S. Tsai , H. Li and N. -S. Chang 2004 Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 in the developing murine nervous system. Neuroscience 124(4):831-839. (SCI)
- Perng, J.J. and Wang, J.P. 2004 Emergence patterns of the mayfly Cloeon marginale (Ephemeroptera: Baetudae) in a tropical monsoon forest wetland in Taiwan. Aquatic Insect 2004: (SCI)
- Chen ,S.T., J.I. Chuang, J.P. Wang, M.S. Tsai, H. Li and N.S. Chang 2004 Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 in the developing murine nervous system. Neuroscience 124(4):831-839. (SCI)
- Hsu, K.C, Wang, J.P, Chen, X.L. & Chiang, T. 2003 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Conservation Genetic. 2004(1):113-115.(SCI)
- Lai, S. D. Wang, J.P. Yeh, J. T. and Tsay, H. W. 2003 Ecology of dominant phytoplankton diatoms Cyclotella from Chia-Nan stream (Taiwan). Diatom, 19, (SCI)
- Wang, J.P., Hung-Du Lin, Shong Huang, Chih-Hung Pan, Xiang-Lin Chen and Tzen-Yuh Chiang Phylogeography of Varicorhinus barbatulus (Cyprin.
- Hsu KC, Wang JP, Chen XL, Chiang TY. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Conservation Genetics 2003; 5: 113-115 (SCI)
- 郭源、王建平、翁榮炫、陳榮作、翁義聰 2002 道路興建對生態環境之影響- 以西濱快速公路南部路段為例。台灣公路工程 第二十九卷第一期 20-41.
- 王建平、陳加和、翁義聰 2002外來種生物VS 放生-記述帆鰭胎生魚將魚的畸型胚及白子 大自然 p. 96
- 翁義聰, 鄭仲堯, 王建平 2001 軟體動物曩舌目(Sacoglossa)之新紀錄及布氏葉鰓螺Ercolania boodleae (Baba,1938)之描述‧貝類學報25:33-35.
- 翁聰義, 王建平 2001 曩舌目(Sacoglossa)之新紀錄及長角海天牛Elysia chikensis Eliot, 1916之記述‧貝類學報25:39-44.
- Wang, J.P., KSU. And T.Y. Chiang 2000 Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of Acrossocheilus paradoxus(Cyprinidae) in Taiwan. Molecular Ecology 9: (SCI)
- Hsu, K.C., J.P. Wang, S.C. Lee and T.Y. Chiang 2000 The population genetics structure of Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) in Taiwan. Bull. Nation. Normal. Uni. (In press).
- Wang, J.P., S. T. Chen, C. H. Chien , C. J. Yao and L. S. Chou 1999 Protein gene product 9.5-Immunoreactive neurons in the retina of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and fraser dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei). Acta Anat. Nippon. 74 (4): (accepted: in press) ]
- Chen, S.T., C.L. Shen, J.P. Wang CA and L.S. Chou 1999 A comparative study of neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in the retina of dolphin and several other mammalian species. Zool. Stud. 38(4): (accepted: in press) (SCI)
- Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, L.J. Garey and L.S. Jen 1999 Expression of beta-amyloid precursor protein and bcl-2 proto-oncogene proteins in rat retinas after intravitreal injection of aminoadipic acid. Neurochem. Int. 35(5):371-382 (SCI)
- Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, C.L. Shen and L.S. Jen 1999 NADPH-diaphorase activity in normally developing and intracraninally transplanted retinas. Neurochem. Res. 24 (8) 1053-1059. (SCI)
- Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, C.H. Chien and C.L. Shen 1999 Differential expression of beta-amyloid precursor and Bcl-2 proteins in the developing dog retina. Neruosci Res. (SCI)
- Wu, W.L., J.P. Wang, M.C. Tsang, T.Y. Chiang 1999 Cloning and genetic variability of an Hind III repetitive DNA in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae). Genome (SCI)
- Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, C.H. Chien and C.L. Shen 1999 Differential expression of amyloid precursor and Bcl-2 proteins in the developing dog retina. Neruosci Res. (SCI)
- Ueng, Y.T. and J.P. Wang CA 1999 Pseudogaleomma japonica (Galeommatidae), a familial and generic record new to Veneroida fauna of Taiwan. J. Taiwan Museum 52(1):
- 曾美珍,蔣鎮宇,王建平1999 台灣石賓的族群遺傳結構。特有生物研究1: 20-27.
- 許桂菁,蔣鎮宇,王建平, 麥愛堂1999 台灣石賓的親緣地理及保育。保育季刊 27:
- 彭仁君, 施希建, 王建平1999南仁山古湖濕地內四節蜉蝣Cloeon marginale Hagen (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) 之稚蟲分布與其密度消長。中華昆蟲 19(3):
- Wang, J.P., S.M. Chuang, C.L. Shen and S.T. Chen 1998 Expression of Src family in the mouse developing nervous system. Biomed. Res. 19: 315-325. (SCI)
- 王建平, 廖國英1998 湖泊中的浮游生物。科學月刊 29(3):195-202。
- 王建平1998 嘉南平原之水質及浮游生物。大自然。1998(3)
- Wang, Jiang-Ping, Lien Siang Chou, and Chiu-Ju Yao 2004 The sternum, pectoral and pelvic girdle of cetaceans and phylogenetic implications. 16th International Congress of the International Federation of Association of Anatomists, Japan (invite speaker)
- Don-Fei Kou, Min-Ching Huang, Sheng-Fa Hsu, Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang and Jug-Hsuan Weng. 2003. A Multivariate Study of Variation in Sexual Dimorphism of Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor Temminck et Schlegel, 1849)
- Hsu, K.C, Wang, J.P, Chen, X.L. & Chiang, T. 2003 Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae) using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Conservation Genetic.
- Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, M.H. Hong, L.S. Jen and J.I. Chuang 1999 Modulation of neuroprotective effects of bcl-2 by melatonin on MPP+-induced degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. International Society for Neurochemistry in Berlin.
- 翁義聰, 陳榮作,王建平 1999 四草地區鳥類相之研究。四草保護區生物多樣性研討會 。成功大學,台南。
- Chen, S.T., J.P. Wang, M.H. Hong, L.S. Jen and J.I. Chuang 1999 Modulation of neuroprotective effects of bcl-2 by melatonin on MPP+-induced degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. International Society for Neurochemistry in Berlin.
- 曾美珍﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇 1999 台灣石賓衛星的演化。中國生物學會八十八年度年會。
- 許桂菁﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇1999 台灣石賓的親緣地理。中國生物學會八十八年度年會。
- 林淑娟、王建平、彭仁君 1999 古湖水蚤類之族群增長潛能分析。1999年動物行為暨生態研討會。
- 吳依珊、彭仁君、王建平 1999 南仁山古湖盤腸蚤屬 Chydrous sp. 水蚤生活史之探討。 1999年動物行為暨生態研討會。
- 王建平﹑黃能崇﹑彭仁君1998 南仁湖甲殼浮游動物族群動態之研究。中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協 會八十七年度聯和年會。
- 彭仁君﹑吳佩珊﹑王建平1998 南仁湖浮游動物Strandcsia vittata Sars (Podocopida: Cyprididae)在室溫 下之生活史與繁殖潛能。中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協會八十七年度聯和年會。
- 許桂菁﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇1998 台灣石賓(Acrossochelus paradoxus Gunther)粒線體DNA變異分析及族群遺傳 之研究。中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協會八十七年度聯和年會。
- 美珍﹑王建平﹑蔣鎮宇1998 台灣石賓(Acrossochelus paradoxus Gunther)之族群遺傳及地理分佈之研究。 中國生物學會暨中華民國溪流環境協會八十七年度聯和年會。
- Wang, J.P. 1998 A checklist of plankton in Taiwan. Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute. pp.168.
- 王建平1998台南市安平誌動物篇 (1998 台南市政府)